When You Wish Winter Is Over


Today was my mama duty day. I call it mama duty because I will be the one to bring and pick Rianna from the daycare. It’s when hubby has the dayshift work. He have to leave early so it’s my turn to bring our child to the daycare and pick her up after I come home from school.

Today was one of the hardest and reasons why I hated winter. Me and Rianna were headed to the daycare early morning. It was snowing hard and the street is full of thick and watery snow. I couldn’t push the stroller because the wheels were stucked in the wet thick snow. It was raining hard as well. I was in a hurry. I only had 15 minutes and need to get to the daycare fast as i could. But i couldn’t move the stroller. I was sweating when it was so cold. The street is full of wet snow and was so hard to walk through. It was really a great challenge.

In the afternoon it becomes worst. More wet snow on the street and a lot more coming from the sky. I have no choice but tried my best to move the stroller where Rianna was in and get home fast as we could. It was a good 25 minutes walk and stop and walk and stop kind of moment. Rianna was impatient and wanted to get out from the stroller. We were both wet when we got home. But thankfully we managed to get home safe and sound.

Tomorrow I’m already planning to use the sled instead of a stroller. I’m pretty sure it’s easier to pull and I’m sure Rianna will love it.

I wish winter is over soon! It’s not that I’m complaining but I think everyone is so ready for spring. Which I know too early to say so. Spring is around April and May so I guess I just have to be more patience instead and tried ways to embrace winter.

Do you ever wish winter is over now? Or are you a winter lover kind of person?



  1. You got a good workout it seems!!!! Sled will need to be used for sure! Much easier for you I hope!
    I’m a winter and summer person. I love the snow, wished it snowed more here. But I love the sun, love getting that tan

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